

Car Plate Numbers

A1 car plate numbers and letters come with a glossy finish and a flat surface, with slightly angled sides. These acrylic car numbers and letters feature rectangular typefaces with serif details. They give off a rather mechanistic and clean feel, which provides clarity for respective car plates. A1 car plate number and letter fulfil Malaysia JPJ standard.

Material: Acrylic



Car Plate Numbers

A1 car plate numbers and letters come with a glossy finish and a flat surface, with slightly angled sides. These acrylic car numbers and letters feature rectangular typefaces with serif details. They give off a rather mechanistic and clean feel, which provides clarity for respective car plates. A1 car plate number and letter fulfil Malaysia JPJ standard.

Material: Acrylic

Car Number Supplier


2.8 x 1.7 x 0.2”

Based on number “0”. Dimensions may vary.


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